Welcome to Skyblockguides

Wether you're completely new, played for a while but didn't progress or just need a place to optimize your profile, I try my best to find the most relevant websites and information and present it to you on this website.

Keep in mind that this is focused on giving you orientation, if you ever need detailed information go to the Hypixel Skyblock Wiki. Also please note the Quick Guide at the start of each guide is not necessarily the absolute best gear progression, but it's definetely good enough for people that want an easy answer to the question "What should I get next?".

Feel free to give Feedback on my Skyblock Discord Server.

First Steps


10 steps to get started

Guides on how to level (almost) every skill in an efficient way

Guides on how to improve certain aspects of your profile (except skill average)

A list of most money making methods I know, how much money you get and what you need for it

Loot Share

Overview on how the Loot Share Mechanic introduced in the Crimson Isles update works and how to best use it.

Tips And Tricks

A collection of random, rather hidden or unknown facts that may be useful at some point.

Skyblock Update Log

Log of the more important updates out there. Incomplete and discontinued for now.

Other useful sites

Hypixel Skyblock Wiki: Fandom

Checking peoples stats and items: SkyCrypt

Minion slot helper and Minion profit calculator: Hyminions

Bazaar Tracking: Bazaartracker

Auction house tracking: Hyauctions